KAHHS Reorganization

Calendar Item: 
Docket Number: 
First Name: 
Last Name: 

- The shortened curricular change cycle dictates that course and/or program change materials be completed, and reviewed by Faculty Senate during September.

The School of Kinesiology, Allied Health, and Human Services submitted a proposal to reorganize into two departments; Kinesiology and Heath, Recreation, and Community Services.  Departmental reorganizations and name changes require Council of Provost and Board of

Regents approval. In order to meet the annual schedule of those external committees, which follows that of the curricular process, all proposals that require Board approval must be approved by Faculty Senate at the beginning of the Fall semester.


Therefore, be it resolved that the Senate accepts for voting to docket and initiating discussion, all materials relating to the KAHHS reorganization.

KAHHS supporting Docs
Meeting Date: 
Sep 11, 2017
Final Action Taken Date: 
Monday, September 11, 2017
Other Status: