Curriculum changes approved

Curriculum Changes across Colleges (previously tabled)

Calendar Item: 
Docket Number: 
First Name: 
Last Name: 

There were a few curriculum change proposals, across colleges, that were tabled in previous meetings, handled in UCC and GCCC business during the most recent meeting.


Therefore, be it resolved that the University Faculty Senate approves the final curriculum package from UCC and GCCC for the year, with the exception of 4 programs, including the Digital Writing and Web Development emphases for both INTDIGITAL-BA and INTDIGITAL-MINOR programs.  It is intended that these would be taken up again at the January 13, 2020 meeting of the Faculty Senate, after additional consultations have been completed.

Following are summaries of the items discussed at "clean-up meetings" for both UCC and GCCC.  Included more recently was the entry from the Leepfrog system for INTDIGITAL-BA, to aid our discussion.  The latest items, added December 20, 2019, were approvals from Matthew Bunker, Department Head of Marketing, and Jim O'Louglin, Associate Department Head of Languages & Literatures, documenting agreed-upon solutions to the 'hidden prerequisite' matter that resulted in the tabling of Web Development and Digital Writing emphases in the INTDIGITAL-BA and INTDIGITAL-MINOR programs during the December 9 meeting.  These (tabled) programs will be reconsidered during the January 13, 2020 meeting, as we committed to the Registrar's Office.

Final Action Taken: 
Motion Passed
Meeting Date: 
Jan 13, 2020

CHAS Curriculum Changes

Calendar Item: 
Docket Number: 
First Name: 
Last Name: 

The UCC and GCCC present curriculum changes for the College of Humanities and Sciences for the current academic year.


Therefore, be it resolved that the University Faculty Senate has approved the proposed curriculum changes for the College of Humanities and Sciences.

Minutes of UCC & GCCC meetings

Following are minutes and course/program summary reports for meetings of both UCC and GCCC.

Final Action Taken: 
Motion Passed
Meeting Date: 
Dec 09, 2019
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