Revisit Docket # 1519: New Process for Curriculum Approval
Recently, the Faculty Senate voted on a change to the curriculum process to reduce the time necessary to implement curricular changes (Docket Number: 1519). This was done with minimal discussion.
Potential changes to Senate representation model
At the recent fall faculty meeting, the faculty voted to allow the senate to determine its own structure, moving that provision from the Faculty Constitution to the Senate Bylaws. Thus, we need to consider whether changes to the current model of senate representation are warranted, especially due to the extension of voting rights to term and some temporary faculty, but also perhaps for other reasons, as well. The senate will discuss how to approach this matter, including whether to convene an ad-hoc governance committee to deliberate and provide a proposal to the senate.
UNI Faculty Senate Membership
At the fall 2019 faculty meeting, all term and term/renewable faculty were given the right to vote in university and college elections as long as they meet any eligibility requirements (e.g., terminal degree or graduate status). Following the UNI Faculty Consitution was revised and a faculty senate working group was charged with the following:
General Education Revision Updates
The General Education Revision Committee requests time to consult and update the Senate regarding their committee's work. The committee would like to consult on Sept. 24 and November 12th.
Reconsideration of Honor System for University of Northern Iowa
The UNI faculty senate approved an honor system for management of academic dishonesty in April of 2006. Despite approval, upper administration of the university, at the time, refused to promulgate the policy. The honor system that had been approved by the senate was a culmination of efforts that cut across the university community, including faculty, student leadership, and administrative staff.
Draft University of Northern Iowa Guidelines and Procedures for Qualifying Faculty to Teach Using Tested Experience instead of Degrees
These are “Guidelines and Procedures for Qualifying Faculty to Teach Using Tested Experience instead of Degrees”, as forwarded to the Faculty Senate for consideration at their first meeting of the academic year.
Submitted by: John F. Vallentine, Ph.D., Associate Provost for Faculty