Academic Forgiveness Policy Proposal

Calendar Item: 
Docket Number: 
First Name: 
Last Name: 

The purpose of this policy is to provide an option to undergraduate students to seek one semester of forgiveness for past academic coursework, after separation from the university, and subsequently delineate the prescribed process. 


Therefore be it resolved that the Faculty Senate accepts for voting to docket and initiating discussion, all materials relating to the Academic Forgiveness Policy Proposal.

Additionally - Because Dr. Christina Curran is not available October 23rd, we would like to schedule this item for consideration November 13th, Senate will meet in Library 287, NOT in the Scolar Space!!!

The Policy has been reviewed by the Office of the Registrar, as well as through the Core and Advisory groups assisting in the policy proposal development. 

There are a few recent changes  to the proposal,  including: 

1) a renaming of the policy from Clemency to Academic Forgiveness; 

2) completion of the twelve credit hours at UNI upon return to UNI within two calendar years in order to support a manageable records process; and

3) deletion of the statement regarding academic honors given the challenges in maintaining two GPA systems, hand calculations required, and short time frames from degree completion in a final semester to graduation. 

Given the defined parameter of the proposed policy which identifies a single semester and other qualifications, and the intent of academic forgiveness, the committee upon this final review, found this reasonable without placing an undue burden on the Registrar staff which would be required should honors standing require a hand calculation of GPA including courses within the academic forgiveness semester.


Final Action Taken: 
Passed by vote.
Meeting Date: 
Nov 13, 2017
Final Action Taken Date: 
Monday, November 13, 2017