Motion Passed
UCC and GCCC Program Changes
Curriculum changes that require Board of Regents approval, such as program name changes and terminations, are handled before all other curriculum proposals in the annual cycle. The University Curriculum Committee and Graduate College Curriculum Comittee met this year on August 26 and August 24, respectively, to begin our curricular reviews. The UCC approved two program name changes, and the GCCC approved the termination of two programs (both of which have been suspended since 2014, and have no students pending graduation).
Charge and membership for the Senate's new DEI Committee
Senate Vice-Chair Danielle Cowley will discuss the proposed charge and membership of the Senate's new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.
UCC and GCCC Curriculum Proposals: CBA and CHAS-Technology
The University Curriculum Committee met on September 2 to review College of Business Administration undergraduate curriculum proposals. The Graduate College Curriculum Committee met on August 24 and Sept 14 to review CBA graduate curriculum proposals. The GCCC also approved a program termination in CHAS-Technology. For a summary please see the uploaded documents, which include a memo to Senators, a summary of the proposed program changes, and the minutes from the UCC and GCCC meetings.
Emeritus request for Dennis Clayson
Dennis Clayson (Marketing) has retired and is applying for emeritus status.
Emeritus request for Mary Stichter
Mary Stichter (Teaching) has retired and applied for emeritus status.
Proposed change to Policy 3.06 regarding religious observance
Northern Iowa Student Government passed a resolution in Spring 2020, requesting to change policy 3.06 to require instructors to excuse students from absences due to religious observance. Although the current policy provides for discretionary excuse of such absences, the NISG resolution requests a policy change to make excuse of those absences mandatory. Under the policy, students must be allowed to make-up missed work or complete an alternative assignment when an absence is due to a reason that falls under the class of events that qualify as mandatory excused absences. The Educational Po
Emeritus request Christopher Edginton
Be it resolved that the emeritus request be approved for Christopher Edginton, Health, Recreation, & Community Services.
Emeritus request for Carol Weisenberger
Be it resolved that the emeritus request is approved for Carol Weisenberger, Department of History.
Committee on Committee Recommendation to Discharge Writing Committee
The Committee on Committees voted February 27 to discharge the University Writing Committee as a Senate committee. This action was taken in response to its annual report dated December 10, 2018, and is consistent with the committee's own recommendation #1 on page 3 of the attached report. That report outlined the futility of its charge to infuse writing objectives and activities across the curriculum, and resulting frustration of its membership, due largely to its organization as a Senate committee. Discharge of the University Writing Committee in no way precludes its re-constitutio