Motion Passed
Emeritus request for Mary Christ
Be it resolved that the emeritus application for Mary Christ be approved.
Senate Bylaws Revision
The UNI Faculty Senate bylaws were last revised in 2012. Given changes to UNI shared governance structures and with the intent of strengthening shared governance, two revisions are proposed. First, the creation of the position of Former Senate Chair is proposed. This new position would ensure greater consistency and continuity within the Senate structure from year to year. Second, it is proposed that the position of the Senate Secretary be appointed from the UN Faculty (versus only from Senate membership) in a non-voting capacity.
Emeritus Request for Deborah Giarusso
Be it resolved that the emeritus request for Deborah Giarusso, Department of Finance, be approved.
Emeritus request for Ann Myles
Be it resolved that the emeritus request for Ann Myles, Department of Language and Literatures, be approved.
Revision of Curriculum Handbook
Be it resolved that the Senate approve the proposed revisions to the Curriculum Handbook.