Motion Passed
2017-18 Curriculum proposals for new majors and associated courses: BA Physics (CHAS), BAS in Technology (CHAS) and BAS in Managing Business Organizations (CBA)
Whereas CHAS and CBA have submitted curriculum proposals for new programs/majors for the catalog year 2017-18 and whereas all of these proposals have been reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee; and whereas curriculum proposals for new majors need external approvals from other bodies including the Iowa Coordinating Council on Post-High School Education and the Iowa Regents Universities Council of Provosts prior to review by the Iowa Board of Regents, these proposals need review/evaluation at the September 12, 2016 Faculty Senate meeting to meet external deadlines for possible inclu
College of Education Curriculum Proposal and curriculum for Interdisciplinary programs
Whereas the College of Education has submitted a package of curriculum proposals for Catalog Year 2016-17, all of which are recorded on UNI Curriculum Online; and whereas Interdisciplinary proposals are put forward by the academic colleges for Catalog Year 2016, all of which are recorded on UNI Curriculum Online; and whereas all of these proposals have been reviewed either by the University Curriculum Committee or by the Graduate College Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council;
Revisions to Curriculum Handbook - Fall 2015
Whereas, the UCC and GCCC were scheduled to review and revise, in the mid-late October, the current Curriculum Review Process Handbook to evaluate current procedures to make the one-year curriculum cycle more clear.
Curriculum change - Earth Science
Whereas the Department of Earth Science has proposed a name change for its department to the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and this change has been approved by the UCC,