Motion Passed
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Curriculum Proposal
Whereas the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences has submitted a package of curriculum proposals for Catalog Year 2016-2017, all of which are recorded on UNI Curriculum Online (Leapfrog); and whereas all of these proposals have been reviewed either by the University Curriculum Committee or by the Graduate College Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council;
Draft Proposal to Move to a Consent Agenda for Senate
Written mostly by Gretchen Gould, Immediate Past Chair, UNI Faculty Senate. Minor edits by MHW, current Chair. This is a proposal to amend the UNI Faculty Senate Bylaws Section 7.4 addressing the order of business each Senate meeting should follow. The intent of this proposal is to move routine and/or non-controversial items to a consent agenda. This will allow Senate to take care of routine issues efficiently and easily so that more time can be spent on substantive matters.
Emeritus request for Kathy Oakland
Therefore be it resolved that the UNI Faculty Senate approves for Docketing and vote, the Emeritus Request for Associate Professor Kathy Oakland, Department of Teaching.
College of Business Curriculum Proposal 2017-2018
Whereas the College of Business Administration has submitted a package of curriculum proposals for Catalog year 2017-2018, all of which are recorded on UNI Curriculum Online; and whereas all of these proposals have been reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee or by the Graduate College Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council;