Motion Passed
End of year report from the Policy Committee
End of year reports are prepared by each of the three primary Senate Committees and reviewed or recieved at the first Senate Meeting of the new year.
Emeritus Request - John Bumpas
On agenda for docketing, but still waiting on a fuller letter.
Revisions to Faculty Constitution
The Senate Governance Committee moves to have the full faculty Senate recommend these changes to the faculty constitution at the Fall Faculty Meeting on Monday, October 3, 2022.
Emeritus request: Ivonne Cuadra
Late request, so will need to be heard in the Fall.
10.08 University of Northern Iowa Policy on Intellectual Property Rights
This policy has been in the works for some time. A version was approved by the Senate last year, but was held back by the faculty leadership out of a desire to re-work an issue. Randall Harlow, Chair of the Policy Committee, and other members of the committee met with the Provost and others from His Office to work out some details. In that time, another new policy, written by the former Provost was found. This final draft attempts to integrate the key issues each of these drafts.