Motion Passed
Curriculum Proposals: COE
The UCC is forwarding the following cirriculum changes for University Senate Approval.
Revisions to Faculty Senate Bylaws
The Senate Governance Committee moves that the Faculty Senate accept the following changes to the Senate Bylaws.
Recommended Program Changes from the UCC
Curriculum proposals that require Board of Regents approval, such as program name changes and terminations, are handled before all other curriculum proposals in the annual curriculum cycle. This year the UCC and the GCCC both met during the first week of classes (August 22) to begin our curriculum reviews. The changes must be approved by the Faculty Senate before they can be moved to the BOR. Because the proposals have to be considered at three different meetings in the BOR process, we have to start right away in the Fall to make the schedule for the 2023‐2024 catalog.
Curriculum Proposals: CSBS
The UCC is forwarding the following ciriculum changes from CSBS for University Senate Approval.
This was tabled until the November meeting due to missing UCC minutes.
Curriculum Proposals: COB & Interdisciplinary
The UCC is forwarding the following cirriculum changes for University Senate Approval.
Emeritus Request: Min Lee
Motion to approve emeritus status.
End of year report from the Policy Committee
End of year reports are prepared by each of the three primary Senate Committees and reviewed or recieved at the first Senate Meeting of the new year.