Curriculum changes approved.
Department of Technology Curriculum Proposal: Technology and Engineering Education Major-Teaching restatement, BA to BS
Whereas the College of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences curriculum package included a proposal from the Department of Technology to restate its existing BA program in Technology and Engineering Education Major-Teaching to a BS degree; and whereas the Senate, desiring to consult with the department in this regard, separated this proposal from the College's curriculum package, which was then approved;
Interdisciplinary and LAC Curriculum Proposals
Whereas a set of interdisciplinary and Liberal Arts Core curriculum proposals have been submitted for Catalog year 2014-2016, all of which are recorded on UNI Curriculum Online;and whereas all of these proposals have been reviewed either by the University Curriculum Committee and/or by the Graduate College Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council;
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Curriculum Proposals
Whereas the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences has submitted a package of curriculum proposals for Catalog Year 2014-2016, all of which are recorded on UNI Curriculum Online;
and whereas all of these proposals have been reviewed either by the University Curriculum Committee or by the Graduate College Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council;
College of Education Curriculum Proposals
Whereas the College of Education has submitted a package of curriculum proposals for Catalog Year 2014-2016, all of which are recorded on UNI Curriculum Online;
and whereas all of these proposals have been reviewed either by the University Curriculum Committee or by the Graduate College Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council;
College of Business Administration Curriculum Proposals
Whereas the College of Business Administration has submitted a package of curriculum proposals for Catalog year 2014-2016, all of which are recorded on UNI Curriculum Online;
and whereas all of these proposals have been reviewed by the University Curriculum Committee or by the Graduate College Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council;
Curriculum changes--Technology
The CHAS Senate, GCCC, and Graduate Council have approved changes to MA and DT programs in Technology, as well as two additional courses TECH 6200 and TECH 6296. The details are available on Course Leap.
Richard O. Jacobson Center for Comprehensive Literacy: Two (2) Certificate Proposals
The Jacobson Center offers a 21-hour credit preparation program in Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy Coach and an 18-hour credit preparation program in Reading Recovery Teacher Leader.
Neither of the programs confer a degree or include a certificate. We believe these should be certificate-bearing programs to recognize the expertise developed by participants during their matriculation through this sequence of courses.
Curriculum changes--Math Ed.
Whereas state cerification rules for teaching have required the Math Education program to alter its curriculum; and whereas the program's proposal to change curriculum has been approved by the CHAS Senate,