Curriculum changes approved.

Department of Technology Curriculum Proposal: Technology and Engineering Education Major-Teaching restatement, BA to BS

Whereas the College of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences curriculum package included a proposal from the Department of Technology to restate its existing BA program in Technology and Engineering Education Major-Teaching to a BS degree; and whereas the Senate, desiring to consult with the department in this regard, separated this proposal from the College's curriculum package, which was then approved;

Richard O. Jacobson Center for Comprehensive Literacy: Two (2) Certificate Proposals

The Jacobson Center offers a 21-hour credit preparation program in Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy Coach and an 18-hour credit preparation program in Reading Recovery Teacher Leader.
Neither of the programs confer a degree or include a certificate.  We believe these should be certificate-bearing programs to recognize the expertise developed by participants during their matriculation through this sequence of courses.