Petitions Archive


Calendar Item Docket Number Title of the Petition Final Action Taken Meeting Date Other Status
1300 1195 Emeritus requests for Gerald Peterson, Mary Herring, William Callahan, Phyllis Baker, and Martha Wartick NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1299 1194 Request for emeritus status for William Clohesy, John Johnson, Stanley Lyle, and Cheryl Roberts NOT AVAILABLE Calendar Item
1298 1193 Priority Registration - Military and Veteran Students NOT AVAILABLE Calendar Item
1297 1192 Emeritus request for Katheryn East NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1296 1191 Regents Award for Faculty Excellence Motion passed NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1295 1190 Emeritus request for Iradge Ahrabi-Fard, Randy Hogancamp, Ronald Johnson, and Thomas Kessler NOT AVAILABLE Calendar Item
1294 1188 Curriculum change - Earth Science NOT AVAILABLE Docketed at head of order and passed
1294 1189 Emeritus request for Zhuojun Joyce Chen, Kenneth Lyftogt, Otto MacLin NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1293 1187 Request for Emeritus status from Patricia Geadelmann NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1292 NOT AVAILABLE Revisions to Curriculum Handbook - Fall 2015 NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1291 1185 Emeritus request for Michael Fanelli, Educational Psychology and Foundations, and Tony McAdams, Management NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1290 NOT AVAILABLE Emeritus request from John McCormick, Computer Science NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1289 1183 College of Education Curriculum Proposal and curriculum for Interdisciplinary programs NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1288 1182 College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences Curriculum Proposal NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1287 NOT AVAILABLE Support for University of Iowa's presidential search censure Motion passed with one small emendation Docketed at head of order
1286 1180 College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Curriculum Proposal NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1285 1179 College of Business Administration Curriculum NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1284 1178 Emeritus Request for Rebecca Edmiaston, Curriculum and Instruction; Carlin Hageman, Communication Sciences and Disorders NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1283 1177 Curriculum proposals for new degrees and associated new and changed courses: for MATr, TCHRLEADINTL-MA, BAS (LAC, Criminal Justice; Tactical Emergency Services with Vulnerable Populations) ; BA in Supply Chain Management All portions of split petition passed NOT AVAILABLE
1281 1175 Emeritus request for Fred Halgedahl, School of Music; Carole Singleton Henkin, Department of Social Work; Bruce Plakke, Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders; Rick Traw, Curriculum and Instruction; and John Wynstra, Rod Library Motion passed NOT AVAILABLE
1280 1175 Emeritus Request for John W. McCormick (Computer Science), Daryl Smith (Biology/Tallgrass Prairie Center), Edward C. Rothnell (Mathematics), and Jerry V. Caswell (Library), Andrew Gilpin NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1279 1174 Consideration of Changes to the Student Code of Conduct Referred to EPC NOT AVAILABLE
1278 1173 Receipt of Report on Metrics from Program Sustainability Committee NOT AVAILABLE Report received