Motion Passed
Fall 2017 UCC - 2 Programs, New Majors
- The shortened curricular change cycle dictates that course and/or program change materials and documentation must be approved by various levels of UNI administration (Departmental, Bugetary Review, College Senates, UCC/GCCC, Faculty Senate), before the Provosts Office can send documentation to the Board or Regents (BOR) Office, thence to ASAC, COPs and finally for BOR review. The BOR calendar constrains the Fall approval process and therefore all supporting documentation for curricular changes must complete review by Faculty Senate during September.
Emeritus Request for Mary Frisbee Johnson
Emeritus Request for Mary Frisbee Johnson, submitted June 16, 2017
Emeritus Request - Dale Olson
Emeritus Request for Dale Olson, Professor of Physics
Emeritus Request, Kay Weller
Be it resolved that the UNI Faculty Senate approves the granting of emeritus status to Kay Weller, Associate Professor, Geography