Motion passed

Regents Awards for Faculty Excellence Recomendations

The Regents Awards for Faculty Excellence Committee has met and come up with its list of recommended recipients for this year's awards. According to the process, those recommendations are to be brought before the Faculty Senate to be discussed and require Senate endorsement before moving forward in the process. In order to maintain confidentiality, the names of recommended candidates should only be revealed to the Senate in closed session.

Curriculum changes--Women's & Gender Studies Program

The Women & Gender Studies Program (WGS) was required to restructure last year. Until the program restuctures, it cannot admit new students. The changes to the MA program have been approved by the CSBS and CHAS Senates and will be reviewed by the Grad Council on Jan. 24. Director of WGS, Barbara Cutter, asks that the University Faculty Senate review the program changes as expeditiously as possible.