Petitions Archive


Calendar Item Docket Number Title of the Petition Final Action Taken Meeting Date Other Status
1186 1082 Recommendation to change drop date to 10 class days after midpoint of semester Chair Peters emailed Registrar Patton, April 9, 2013; Catalog and "Dates to Observe" updated 4/9/13 NOT AVAILABLE
1185 1081 Regents Awards for Faculty Excellence Recomendations No further action taken. NOT AVAILABLE
1184 1080 Recommendations of Budget Committee on Criteria to Allocate Resources within Academic Affairs No further action taken. NOT AVAILABLE
1183 1079 Recommendations of Ad hoc Committee on Curriculum Review Chair Peters emailed University Counsel Tim McKenna April 30, 2013 NOT AVAILABLE
1182 1078 Richard O. Jacobson Center for Comprehensive Literacy: Two (2) Certificate Proposals Chair Peters emailed Coleen Wagner and Diane Wallace, 3-11-13 NOT AVAILABLE
1181 1077 Curriculum changes--Technology Chair Peters emailed Coleen Wagner and Diane Wallace, 3-11-13 NOT AVAILABLE
1180 1076 Amending the Minutes of January 14, 2013 Minutes amended online and in FS Office NOT AVAILABLE
1179 1075 Curriculum changes--Physics Chair Peters emailed Coleen Wagner and Diane Wallace, 3-11-13 NOT AVAILABLE
1178 1074 Curriculum changes--Math Ed. Forwarded to provost for approval NOT AVAILABLE
1177 1073 Curriculum changes--Geography Changes to BA in Geography, BS in GIS, and Minor in Geography approved 2/25/13; GEOG 4390/5390 GIS Programming approved 4/8/13; Diane Wallace and Coleen Wagner notified after both decisions. NOT AVAILABLE
1176 1072 Request for Emeritus Status Ed Brown Delivered to Provost's Office 2/19/13 NOT AVAILABLE
1175 1071 Academic calendars 2013-2020 No further action taken NOT AVAILABLE
1174 1070 EPC Recommendation regarding changes to the Attendance and Make-Up Work policy Chair Peters notified University Counsel 2/19/13; Chair Peters notified U. Counsel of decision not to change Section A, 3/11/13 NOT AVAILABLE
1173 1069 Consultation with UNI Foundation No further action taken. NOT AVAILABLE
1172 1068 Curriculum changes--Women's & Gender Studies Program On March 2013 Board of Regents agenda, NOT AVAILABLE
1171 1067 Consultative session with University Relations No further action taken. NOT AVAILABLE
1170 1066 Motion to support language on shared governance in Master Agreement Chair Peters notified UF and Board/administration via email 11/26/2012 NOT AVAILABLE
1169 1065 Resolution to Exempt Faculty Work from the University Relations Style Manual Requirements No further action taken. NOT AVAILABLE
1168 1064 EPC Recommendation regarding changes to the Electronic Devices Policy Chair Peters notified President Allen and University Counsel, 12/3/2012 NOT AVAILABLE
1167 1063 LAC curriculum recommendations (Consult/update on LACC plans) No further action needed at this time. NOT AVAILABLE
1166 1062 Recommendations to change make-up and attendance policy EPC report submitted as 1174/1070 NOT AVAILABLE
1164 1060 Consultative session with Athletic Director Troy Dannen No further action taken. NOT AVAILABLE
1163 1059 Report of Ad hoc Committee on Changes to Policy Process Chair Peters notified University Counsel 3/11/13 NOT AVAILABLE
1162 1058 Request for Emeritus Status Michael Janopoulos Delivered to Provost's Office 10/22/12 NOT AVAILABLE