Petitions Archive


Calendar Item Docket Number Title of the Petition Final Action Taken Meeting Date Other Status
1113 1011 Consideration of Curriculum Packages, College of Natural Sciences NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1112 1010 Consideration of Curriculum Packages, Interdisciplinary NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1111 1009 Consideration of Curriculum Packages, College of Humanities and Fine Arts NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1110 1008 Consideration of Curriculum Packages: College of Social and Behavioral Science NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1109 1007 Consideration of Curriculum Packages: College of Education NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1108 1006 Consideration of Curriculum Packages, College of Business Administration NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1107 1005 Resolution Regarding UNI Museums NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1106 1004 Recommended changes to Faculty Senate Bylaws NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1105 1003 Assigned Student Participation in Co-Curricular Activities See 1134/1030 NOT AVAILABLE
1104 1002 Request for Emeritus Status - Beverly Riess NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1103 1001 Request for Emeritus Status - Sue Joseph Mattison NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1102 1000 Consultation regarding Faculty Activity Reporting NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1101 999 Request for Emeritus Status - Nancy Hamilton NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1100 998 Request for Emeritus Status - Dennis Cryer NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1099 997 Request for Emeritus Status - Cynthia Herndon NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1098 996 Request for Emeritus Status - Carol Phillips NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1097 995 Review of LAC Category IV, Natural Science and Technology NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1096 994 EPC recommendation to accept petition (1082/980) by Russ Campbell to change the mid-semester designation for the spring semester to after the 8th week of class NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1095 993 Request for Emeritus Status - Jack Wilkinson NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1094 992 Electronic Devices in the Classroom Policy Approved by President & Cabinet, 8/6/2012 NOT AVAILABLE
1093 991 Report on the current UNI NCAA Certification Self Study NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1092 990 Comm on Comm Deliberations and Recommendations from January 18, 2009 NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1091 989 Moratorium on LAC Category Reviews NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1090 988 Invitation to President Allen NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE