Petitions Archive


Calendar Item Docket Number Title of the Petition Final Action Taken Meeting Date Other Status
1089 987 Request for Emeritus Status - Ron Abraham NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1088 986 Motion to reserve West Gym for academic purposes NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1087 985 Motion to guarantee that program cuts, reorganization, and/or expansion be supported by the current Univeristy Strategic Plan NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1086 984 A Report from the Director on UNI Museum's current status and planning for future NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1085 983 Consultative session regarding new wording for policies on Academic Ethics and Student Academic Grievances See 1113/1029 & 1114/1012 NOT AVAILABLE
1084 982 Request for Emeritus Status - Diane Thiessen NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1083 981 Request for Emeritus Status - Michael R. White NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1082 980 The essence of this request is that mid-semester should occur at the end of the eighth week both semesters. NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1081 979 E-Learning migration to BBLearn9 alert NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1080 978 Request for Emeritus Status - Rheta De Vries NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1079 977 Comments from Troy Dannen, Director of Athletics NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1078 976 Request for Emeritus Status - Fred Behroozi NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1077 975 Request for Emeritus Status - Virginia S. Berg NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1076 974 Filing of the Spring University Budget Committee Report and a Request for Action to Improve Faculty Involvement in UNI's Budget Process NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1075 973 Resolution from NISG regarding proposed Dead Days NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1074 972 Expedited Review of Program Changes for the Elementary Education and Middle Level Education Majors NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1073 971 Resolution from NISG regarding Professional Development Assignments NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1072 970 Motion to Adopt New Undergraduate Academic Standing Policy (Academic Alert, Probation and Suspension) for the 2011 - 2012 Academic Year NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1071 969 Department Name Change NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1070 968 Name for the merged college NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1069 967 Request for Faculty Emeritus Status - Jean Mary Gerrath NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1068 966 Textbook submission process NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1067 965 Recommendations for Reorganization of Academic Units NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
1066 964 A reply and recommendations from the Educational Policy Commission NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE