Consultation completed

Initial Consultation: Nursing Program Proposal

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Due to issues of timing with the Board of Regents (BOR), the administration is asking us to accelerate consultations with the Faculty Senate.  The Senate is being asked to review and raise questions, not about the possible restructuring of a School of Health Sciences (this is not a done deal, consultation have just started with departments, we will be consulted later), but only on the basic structure of a four-year degree in Nursing.

Actual courses and specific curriculum will be determined through the regular curriculum process.  Think of this more along the line of approving the structure of the Gen Ed, specific content will be completed later.  (Most of the specific content is directed by accreditation bodies.)  Thus, we are asked to approve moving forward with the BOR, which is needed to allow fundraising and other conversations to take place.

This will be the first of two consultations specific to the Nursing Program.  In this first consultation, the Administration will be laying out the basic program and justification.  We've also asked, given the dire need for faculty lines for other programs, them to lay out an expected budget (see more below).  Senators will be able to ask questions.  If some of these are not answered, or if others come up after the meeting, the goal is to gather them together and submit them to the Administration about a week ahead of a special meeting.  (Share such questions with the Chair of the Senate, Francis Degnin, by Monday morning, Oct 3rd, so that we can include them during our afternoon planning meeting.)

The consultation during the September meeting will be followed by a second consultation during a special full Senate Meeting on Monday, Oct 10th.  At this time, any additional questions can be addressed and the Senate, if ready, can vote on the structure of the program.

Since this will replace the second Monday Senate committee meetings in October, unless something urgent comes up, we will reschedule the fourth Monday in October for Senate Committee meetings.

The primary presenters will be the Provost Herrera and Associate Provost Pease.  After Faculty Leadership (Senate Leadership, Chair of the Faculty, UF Leadership) met, we determined that most of the questions we had related to the restructuring, which is not the issue for today.  We are just asking about the program, justification, goals, and budget for the Nursing Degree. 


We are looking for at least two cost figures: 

The capital start up costs and the running costs (salaries, etc.)

How much are the start up costs expected to be and where is the money coming from?

Even more important, what are the expected running costs?  Faculty Salary, labs, etc. once the program begins.  How many students do we expect at the start?  As we go forward?  Will their tuition dollars exceed the running costs?  Or will money have to be drawn from the general fund?  Are there other sources?  (i.e., perhaps donations from Medical Organizations who need nurses?)

Note:  We recieved an updated PP before the first consultation.  It has one additional slide beyond the pfd.

Final Action Taken: 
There will be a second consultation and vote on Oct. 10th.
Meeting Date: 
Sep 26, 2022

Consultation: Proposed Chapter 15 of the Faculty Handbook: Faculty Misconduct

Calendar Item: 
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The Senate has been asked to consult on a policy addressing issues of Faculty Misconduct.  The reason for calling a special meeting is that this needs to get in place in order to comply with AAUP standards.  It is also important to have this in place in order to provide due process in the (admittedly rare) event that a faculty member is accused of certain types of serious misconduct.  But it is also important to "get it right" so-to-speak.  A Provost's Working Group consisting of Jim Mattingly, co-Chair, John Vallentine, co-Chair, Becky Hawbaker, Amy Nielsen, Shar Self and Kyle Fogt developed the policy and voted unanimously to approve it.  This took a lot of detailed and careful work on their part.  But that doesn't mean that new eyes might not come up with some minor improvements.  The draft was updated at a meeting by the full Faculty Handbook Committee on Friday, 5/6.  That draft was uploaded to the Senate web site on Saturday, 5/7.

Meeting Date: 
May 09, 2022

Consultation: 4 + 1 BA/MA Accelerated Program Model

Calendar Item: 
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The accelerated program allows students who are accepted into the accelerated program to take up to 12 credit hours of graduate courses in their 4th year of undergrad. The undergrad program doesn't change in an accelerated program; rather the Grad Council updated policy so that for accelerated programs the graduate courses will double count for both the undergrad and grad degrees. Prior to this, it was prohibited for graduate credit to double count in any situation. In many situations (not all) the 12 credit hours that double count is 4000/5000 level courses and students will take them as 5000 level. For many programs, it is simply combining the existing undergrad with the existing grad program without any changes to the curriculum. Most universities have 4+1 programs within their portfolio, so it is not new, and it is very popular with students.

We approve one such program last meeting.  This is just to approve the model going forward.

Meeting Date: 
Apr 25, 2022

Consultation: Courtesy Appointments, Faculty Handbook

Calendar Item: 
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This is a draft policy for possible inclusion in the faculty handbook.

Meeting Date: 
Apr 25, 2022

Consultation: Green Dot initiative of the Office of Compliance and Equity Management

Calendar Item: 
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A priority for NISG for numerous years has been reducing dating violence on our campus. Last year, NISG proposed the we adopt the Green Dot bystander intervention program and offered to fund its first year on campus. President Nook approved the proposal and the Green Dot initiative has begun implementation during this year. Isabella Perksen, who is leading the Green Dot initiative for the Office of Compliance and Equity Management and would like to make a presentation to the Faculty Senate. It is her hope that senators will be advocates for the Green Dot program and will volunteer to take the 90-minute bystander intervention training when it is offered.


Therefore, be it resolved that the University Faculty Senate has consulted with the Green Dot initiative of the Office of Compliance and Equity Management.

Meeting Date: 
Feb 28, 2022

Faculty Handbook Committee Update

Calendar Item: 
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Members of the Faculty Handbook Committee have requested a consulation with the Senate about new voting items for the 2023 handbook.  They approved 13 changes to the handbook.  All votes were unanimous.  After the consultation with the Faculty Senate, they will go to the Provost.  If the Provost rejects or modifies any changes, or makes other changes, the Provost will provide the FHC (and, indirectly, the University Faculty Senate) with written reasons for the changes.  

(This document was replaced on Friday, 2/25, to correct some formatting issues.  Then again Monday, 2/28, at 11:30 AM)

Meeting Date: 
Feb 28, 2022

Strategic Plan Update

Calendar Item: 
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The UNI Strategic Planning Committee would like to present an updated version of the proposed 2023-28 UNI Strategic Plan.
The presenter will be either SPC Co-Chair Nicki Skaar, SPC Co-Chair Drew Conrad, SPC Liaison Andrew Morse, or SPC Liaison Randy Pilkington.

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Meeting Date: 
Feb 28, 2022

Consultation: Faculty Advancement Committee document

Calendar Item: 
Docket Number: 
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Last Name: 

In Fall 2021 the Faculty Advancement Committee assembled a document that discusses faculty evaluation and advancement in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The final version was emailed to all faculty on October 27, 2021, and it is attached to this petition. The Faculty Senate Policy Committee has invited Associate Provost John Vallentine to discuss the document and answer questions.


It is a consultation only.

Meeting Date: 
Jan 24, 2022


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